Eileen Furlong

Prof’in Dr’in Eileen Furlong

Leitering der Genomik-Abteilung


Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften



Ich bin ansprechbar

  • als Rednerin
  • als Mentorin
  • für Medienanfragen
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Genetische und epigenetische Regulierung während der Embryonalentwicklung

Mein Fachgebiet sind die Life Sciences - genauer gesagt ist meine Forschung an der Schnittstelle zwischen den Bereichen Chromatinbiologie/Genregulation und Entwicklungsbiologie angesiedelt.
Ich untersuche, wie Gene reguliert werden, um all die verschiedenen Zelltypen in unserem Körper zu bilden, und wie dies schief gehen und zu Krankheiten führen kann.
Unsere Chromosomen (oder Genome) enthalten Gene, aus denen Proteine hervorgehen, die einen Großteil der Arbeit in unseren Zellen leisten. Allerdings machen die Gene nur ~3% unserer DNA aus. Während wir früher dachten, der Rest sei Müll, wissen wir heute, dass der Rest unserer DNA (oft als "nicht codierendes Genom" bezeichnet) Tausende (beim Menschen schätzungsweise eine Million) von Kontrollelementen, so genannten Enhancern, enthält, die den Genen sagen, wann und wo sie aktiv werden sollen.
Enhancer sind daher die Hauptfaktoren für die Genexpressionsprogramme, die die Embryonalentwicklung und eigentlich fast alle anderen biologischen Prozesse steuern. Mutationen in diesem Teil des Genoms werden mit vielen (wenn nicht sogar allen) menschlichen Krankheiten in Verbindung gebracht, weshalb es sehr wichtig ist zu verstehen, wie Enhancer funktionieren. Mutationen in Enhancern können auch zu evolutionären Unterschieden zwischen den Spezies führen, sodass ihre Funktion wichtige Auswirkungen auf die Embryonalentwicklung, die Evolution und Krankheiten hat.

In den letzten zwanzig Jahren habe ich untersucht, wie Enhancer in normalen Situationen funktionieren und wie Stress und Sequenzunterschiede wie Mutationen ihre Funktion beeinflussen können.
Zu diesem Zweck kombiniert die Arbeit in meinem Labor (einzellige) Genomik, Genetik, Imaging und computergestützte Methoden, um diese Prozesse zu verstehen, einschließlich der Entwicklung neuer genomischer Methoden im Kontext eines multizellularen Embryos. So haben wir beispielsweise optogenetische, genome engineering und synthetische Biologie Tools entwickelt, um verschiedene regulatorische Prozesse in multizellulären Embryonen zu manipulieren und zu stören.
Wir verwenden auch verschiedene Arten von Computermodellen, wie z. B. Maschinenlernen, um besser zu verstehen, wie das Genom reguliert wird, was zu neuen prädiktiven Erkenntnissen über die Entwicklungsregulation geführt hat.


Leitering der Genomik-Abteilung




  • 1. Cavalheiro GR, Girardot C, Viales RR, Pollex T, Cao TBN, Lacour P, Feng S, Rabinowitz A, Furlong EEM. (2023). CTCF, BEAF-32, and CP190 are not required for the establishment of TADs in early Drosophila embryos but have locus-specific roles. Science Adv. Feb 3;9(5):eade1085. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.ade1085
  • 2. Pijuan-Sala B. and Furlong EEM. (2022). Enhancers have more cofactor specificity than we think: A potential new way to classify enhancers based on their functional cofactor requirements. Mol Cell. Aug 18;82(16):2922-2924
  • 3. Calderon D, Blecher-Gonen R, Huang X, Secchia S, Kentro J, Daza RM, Martin B, Dulja A, Schaub C, Trapnell C, Larschan E, O'Connor-Giles KM, Furlong EEM*, Shendure J*. (2022). The continuum of Drosophila embryonic development at single-cell resolution. Science Aug 5;377(6606):eabn5800
  • 4. Galouzis CC, Furlong EE. (2022). Regulating specificity in enhancer-promoter communication. Curr Opin Cell Biol. Feb 28;75:102065
  • 5. Secchia S, Forneris M, Heinen T, Stegle O, Furlong EE. (2022). Simultaneous cellular and molecular phenotyping of embryonic mutants using single-cell regulatory trajectories. Dev Cell. Feb 28;57(4):496-511.e8
  • 6. Heinen T, Secchia S, Reddington JP, Zhao B, Furlong EE*, Stegle O*. (2022). scDALI: modeling allelic heterogeneity in single cells reveals context-specific genetic regulation. Genome Biol. Jan 6;23(1):8. doi: 10.1186/s13059-021-02593-8
  • 7. Kögler AC, Kherdjemil Y, Bender K, Rabinowitz A, Marco-Ferreres R, Furlong EE. (2021). Extremely rapid and reversible optogenetic perturbation of nuclear proteins in living embryos. Dev Cell. Aug 23; 56(16):2348-2363
  • 8. Liu J, Viales RR, Khoueiry P, Reddington JP, Girardot C, Furlong EE*, Robinson-Rechavi M*. (2021). The hourglass model of evolutionary conservation during embryogenesis extends to developmental enhancers with signatures of positive selection. Genome Res., Jul 15th, doi: 10.1101/gr.275212.121
  • 9. Minnoye L, Marinov GK, Krausgruber T, Pan L, Marand AP, Secchia S, Greenleaf WJ, Furlong EE, Zhao K, Schmitz RJ, Bock C, Aerts S. (2021). Chromatin accessibility profiling methods. Nature Reviews Methods Primers, 2021 Jan 21
  • 10. Cavalheiro GR, Pollex T, Furlong EE. (2021). To loop or not to loop: what is the role of TADs in enhancer function and gene expression? Curr Opin Genet Dev 2021 Jan 23:67:119-129
  • 11. Floc'hlay S, Wong E, Zhao B, Viales RR, Thomas-Chollier M, Thieffry D, Garfield DA*, Furlong EE*. (2020). Cis-acting variation is common across regulatory layers but is often buffered during embryonic development. Genome Res. 2020 Dec 11:gr.266338.120
  • 12. Reddington JP, Garfield DA, Sigalova OM, Karabacak Calviello A, Marco-Ferreres R, Girardot C, Viales RR, Degner JF, Ohler U, Furlong EE. (2020). Lineage-resolved enhancer and promoter usage during a time course of embryogenesis. Dev Cell. 2020 Nov 2:S1534-5807(20)30799-1
  • 13. McGuire AL*, Gabriel S*, Tishkoff SA*, Wonkam A*, Chakravarti A*, Furlong EE*, Treutlein B*, Meissner A*, Chang HY*, López-Bigas N*, Segal E*, Kim JSv. (2020). The road ahead in genetics and genomics. Nature Reviews Genetics. 2020 Aug 24. doi: 10.1038/s41576-020-0272-6
  • 14. Sigalova OM, Shaeiri A, Forneris M, Furlong EE*, Zaugg JB*. (2020). Predictive features of gene expression variation reveal mechanistic link with differential expression. Mol Syst Biol. 2020 Aug;16(8):e9539. doi: 10.15252/msb.20209539
  • 15. Viets K, Sauria MEG, Chernoff C, Rodriguez RV, Echterling M, Anderson C, Tran S, Dove A, Goyal R, Voortman L, Gordus A, Furlong EE, Taylor J, Johnston RJ. (2019). Characterization of Button Loci that Promote Homologous Chromosome Pairing and Cell-Type-Specific Interchromosomal Gene Regulation. Dev Cell. 2019;51(3):341–356
  • 16. Mir M, Bickmore W, Furlong EE, Narlikar G. (2019). Chromatin topology, condensates and gene regulation: shifting paradigms or just a phase? Development;146(19):dev182766
  • 17. Zhou J, Schor IE, Yao V, Theesfeld CL, Marco-Ferreres R, Tadych A, Furlong EE*, Troyanskaya OG*. (2019). Accurate genome-wide predictions of spatio-temporal gene expression during embryonic development. PLoS Genet. 2019;15(9):e1008382
  • 18. Ghavi-Helm Y*, Jankowski A, Meiers S, Viales RR, Korbel JO*, Furlong EE*. (2019). Highly rearranged chromosomes reveal uncoupling between genome topology and gene expression. Nature Genetics, Aug;51(8):1272-1282
  • 19. Khoueiry P, Ward Gahlawat A, Petretich M, Michon AM, Simola D, Lam E, Furlong EE, Benes V, Dawson MA, Prinjha RK, Drewes G, Grandi P. (2019). BRD4 bimodal binding at promoters and drug-induced displacement at Pol II pause sites associates with I-BET sensitivity. Epigenetics Chromatin. Jul 2;12(1):39. doi: 10.1186/s13072-019-0286-5
  • 20. Peng PC, Khoueiry P, Girardot C, Reddington JP, Garfield DA, Furlong EE, Sinha S. (2019). The Role of Chromatin Accessibility in cis-Regulatory Evolution. Genome Biol Evol., Jul 1;11(7):1813-1828. doi: 10.1093/gbe/evz103
  • 21. Wu WH, Kuo TH, Kao CW, Girardot C, Hung SJ, Liu T, Furlong EE, Liu YH. (2019). Expanding the mesodermal transcriptional network by genome-wide identification of Zinc finger homeodomain 1 (Zfh1) targets. FEBS Lett., May 15. doi: 10.1002/1873-3468.13443
  • 22. van Steensel B*, Furlong EE*. (2019). The role of transcription in shaping the spatial organization of the genome. Nature Reviews Mol Cell Biol. Mar 18. doi: 10.1038/s41580-019-0114-6
  • 23. Schor IE, Bussotti G, Maleš M, Forneris M, Viales RR, Enright AJ, Furlong EE. (2018). Non-coding RNA expression, function, and variation during Drosophila embryogenesis. Curr Biol Nov 19;28(22):3547-3561
  • 24. Furlong EE* and Levine M*. (2018). Developmental enhancers and chromosome topology. Science, Sep 28;361(6409):1341-1345. doi: 10.1126/science.aau0320
  • 25. Gambetta MC, Furlong EE. (2018). The insulator protein CTCF is required for correct Hox gene expression, but not for embryonic development in Drosophila. Genetics. Sep;210(1):129-136
  • 26. Utharala R, Tseng Q, Furlong EE, Merten CA. (2018). A versatile, low-cost, multiway microfluidic sorter for droplets, cells and embryos. Anal Chem. May 15;90(10):5982-5988
  • 27. Cusanovich DA, Reddington JP, Garfield DA, Daza R, Aghamirzaie D, Marco-Ferreres, R, Pliner, H, Christiansen L, Qiu X, Steemers FJ, Trapnell C, Shendure J*, Furlong EE*. (2018). The cis-regulatory dynamics of embryonic development at single cell resolution. Nature, Mar 22;555(7697):538-542
  • 28. Mikhaylichenko O, Bondarenko V., Harnett D. Schor IE, Males M, Viales RR, Furlong EE. (2018). The degree of enhancer or promoter activity is reflected by the levels and directionality of eRNA transcription. Genes & Dev, Jan 1;32(1):42-57
  • 29. Lehmann LH, Jebessa ZH, Kreusser MM, Horsch A, He T, Kronlage M, Dewenter M, Sramek V, Oehl …….. Herzig S, Furlong EE, Katus HA, Backs J. (2018). A proteolytic fragment of histone deacetylase 4 protects the heart from failure by regulating the hexosamine biosynthetic pathway. Nature Med 24(1):62-72
  • 30. Zolotarev N, Maksimenko O, Kyrchanova O, Sokolinskaya E, Osadchiy I, Girardot C, Bonchuk A, Ciglar L, Furlong EE*, Georgiev P*. (2017). Opbp is a new architectural/insulator protein required for ribosomal gene expression. Nucleic Acids Res. 1;45(21):12285-12300
  • 31. Schauer T, Ghavi-Helm Y, Sexton T, Albig C, Regnard C, Cavalli G, Furlong EE, Becker PB. (2017). Chromosome topology guides the Drosophila Dosage Compensation Complex for target gene activation. EMBO Rep. 2017 Aug 9. pii: e201744292
  • 32. Khoueiry P, Girardot C, Ciglar L, Peng PC, Gustafson EH, Sinha S, Furlong EE. (2017). Uncoupling evolutionary changes in DNA sequence, transcription factor occupancy and enhancer activity. Elife. Aug 9;6. pii: e28440
  • 33. Monfort M, Furlong, EE, Girardot C. (2017). Dynamix: Dynamic visualization by automatic selection of informative tracks from hundreds of genomic data sets. Bioinformatics, Jul 15;33(14):2194-2196
  • 34. Pollex T and Furlong EE. (2017). Correlation does not imply causation: Histone methyltransferase, but not histone methylation, SET the stage for enhancer activation. Mol. Cell. May 18;66(4):439-441
  • 35. Erceg J, Pakozdi T, Marco-Ferreres R, Ghavi-Helm Y, Girardot C, Bracken AP, Furlong EE. (2017). Dual functionality of cis-regulatory elements as developmental enhancers and Polycomb response elements. Genes & Dev. 31(6):590-602
  • 36. Schor IE, Degner JF, Harnett D, Cannavò E, Casale FP, Shim H, Garfield DA, Birney E, Stephens M, Stegle O*, Furlong EE*. (2017). Promoter shape varies across populations and affects promoter evolution and expression noise. Nature Genetics 49(4):550-558
  • 37. Cannavò E, Koelling N, Harnett D, Garfield D, Casale FP, Ciglar L, Gustafson HE, Viales RR, Marco-Ferreres R, Degner JF, Zhao B, Stegle O, Birney E*, Furlong EE*. (2017). Genetic variants regulating expression levels and isoform diversity during embryogenesis. Nature. Jan 19;541(7637):402-406
  • 38. Seyres D, Ghavi-Helm Y, Junion G, Taghli-Lamallem O, Guichard C, Röder L, Girardot C, Furlong EE*, Perrin L*. (2016). Identification and in silico modeling of enhancers reveals new features of the cardiac differentiation network. Development. 2016 Dec 1;143(23):4533-4542
  • 39. Girardot C, Scholtalbers J, Sauer S, Su SY, Furlong EE. (2016). Je, a versatile suite to handle multiplexed NGS libraries with unique molecular identifiers. BMC Bioinformatics. Oct 8;17(1):419
  • 40. Mbodj A, Gustafson EH, Ciglar L, Junion G, Gonzalez A, Girardot C, Perrin L, Furlong EE*, Thieffry D.* (2016). Qualitative Dynamical Modelling Can Formally Explain Mesoderm Specification and Predict Novel Developmental Phenotypes. PLoS Comput Biol. 6;12(9):e1005073
  • 41. Tica J, Lee E, Untergasser A, Meiers S, Garfield DA, Gokcumen O, Furlong EE, Park PJ, Stütz AM, Korbel JO. (2016). Next-generation sequencing-based detection of germline L1-mediated transductions. BMC Genomics. May 10;17:342
  • 42. Stunnenberg HG, Abrignani S, Adams D, ….. Furlong EE, ….., Patel R. (2016). The International Human Epigenome Consortium: a blueprint for scientific collaboration and discovery. Cell. Nov 17: 1145
  • 43. Ghavi-Helm Y, Zhao B, Furlong EE. (2016). Chromatin Immunoprecipitation for Analyzing Transcription Factor Binding and Histone Modifications in Drosophila. Methods Mol Biol.;1478:263-277
  • 44. Cannavò E, Khoueiry P, Garfield DA, Geeleher P, Zichner T, Gustafson EH, Ciglar L, Korbel JO, Furlong EE. (2015). Shadow enhancers are pervasive features of developmental regulatory networks. Curr Biol Dec 10. 26 (1):38-51
  • 45. Klein FA, Pakozdi T, Anders S, Ghavi-Helm Y, Furlong EE, Huber W. (2015). FourCSeq: analysis of 4C sequencing data. Bioinformatics Oct 1;31(19):3085-91
  • 46. Nitta KR, Jolma A, Yin Y, Morgunova E, Kivioja T, Akhtar J, Hens K, Toivonen J, Deplancke B, Furlong EE, Taipale J. (2015). Conservation of transcription factor binding specificities across 600 million years of bilateria evolution. Elife. Mar 17;4. doi: 10.7554
  • 47. Hughes CS, Foehr S, Garfield DA, Furlong EE, Steinmetz LM, Krijgsveld J. (2015). Ultrasensitive proteome analysis using paramagnetic bead technology. Mol Syst Biol. 2014 Oct 30;10:757
  • 48. Ghavi-Helm Y., Klein FA, Pakozdi T, Ciglar L, Noordermeer D, Huber W, Furlong EE. (2014). Enhancer loops appear stable during development and are associated with paused polymerase. Nature Aug 7;512(7512):96-100
  • 49. Ciglar L, Girardot C, Wilczynski B, Braun M, Furlong EE. (2014). Coordinated repression and activation of two transcriptional programs stabilizes cell fate during myogenesis. Development Jul;141(13):2633-43
  • 50. Rembold M, Ciglar L, Yáñez-Cuna JO, Zinzen RP, Girardot C, Jain A, Welte MA, Stark A, Leptin M*, Furlong EE.* (2014). A conserved role for Snail as a potentiator of active transcription. Genes & Dev. Jan 15;28(2):167-81
  • 51. Erceg J, Saunders TE, Girardot C, Devos DP, Hufnagel L, Furlong EE. (2014). Subtle changes in motif positioning cause tissue-specific effects on the robustness of enhancer activity. PLoS Genet. Jan;10(1):e1004060. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1004060. Epub 2014 Jan 2.
  • 52. Mbodj A, Junion G, Brun C, Furlong EE, Thieffry D. (2013). Logical modelling of Drosophila signalling pathways, Mol Biosyst., Jul 30;9(9):2248-58
  • 53. Zichner T, Garfield DA, Rausch T, Stutz AM, Cannavo E, Braun M, Furlong EE, Korbel JO. (2013). Impact of genomic structural variation in Drosophila melanogaster based on population-scale sequencing. Genome Res., Mar;23(3):568-79
  • 54. Wilczynski G, Liu YH, Yeo ZX, Furlong EE. (2012). Predicting spatial and temporal gene expression using an integrative model of transcription factor occupancy and chromatin state. PLoS computational Biology, Dec;8(12):e1002798
  • 55. Tseng Q, Lomonosov AM, Furlong EE, Merten CA. (2012). Fragmentation of DNA in a sub-microliter microfluidic sonication device. Lab Chip, Oct 16;12(22):4677-82
  • 56. Spivakov M, Akhtar J, Kheradpour P, Beal K, Girardot C, Koscielny G, Herrero J, Kellis M, Furlong EE, Birney E. (2012). Analysis of variation at transcription factor binding sites in Drosophila and humans. ENCODE companion paper, Genome Biology, Sep 5;13(9):R49
  • 57. Spitz F and Furlong EE. (2012). Transcription factors: From enhancer binding to developmental control. Nature Reviews Genetics, Sep;13(9):613-26.
  • 58. Delhomme N, Padioleau I, Furlong EE, Steinmetz LM. (2012). easyRNASeq: a bioconductor package for processing RNA-Seq data. Bioinformatics, Oct 1;28(19):2532-3
  • 59. Bonn S, Zinzen RP, Gonzalez AP, Riddell A, Gavin AC, Furlong EE. (2012). Cell type-specific chromatin immunoprecipitation from multicellular complex samples using BiTS-ChIP. Nature Prot, Apr 26;7(5):978-94
  • 60. Junion G*, Spivakov M*, Girardot C, Gustafson EH, Birney E, Furlong EE. (2012). A transcription factor collective defines cardiac cell fate and reflects the developmental history of this cell lineage. Cell, Feb 3;148(3):473-86
  • 61. Bonn S*, Zinzen RP*, Girardot C*, Gustafson EH, Gonzalez AP, Delhomme N, Ghavi-Helm Y, Wilczynski B, Riddell A and Furlong EE. (2012). Tissue specific analysis of chromatin state identifies temporal signatures of enhancer activity during embryonic development. Nature Genetics, Jan 8;44(2):148-56
  • 62. Ghavi-Heim Y and Furlong EE. (2011). Analyzing transcription factor occupancy during embryo development using ChiP-Seq. Methods Mol. Biol. 786:229-45
  • 63. Furlong EE. (2011). A fly in the face of genomics. Nature 471(7339): 458-9
  • 64. Furlong EE. (2010). The importance of being specified: cell fate decisions and their role in cell biology. Mol Biol Cell. Nov;21(22):3797-8
  • 65. Cunha PM, Sandmann T, Gustafson EH, Ciglar L, Eichenlaub MP, Furlong EE. (2010). Combinatorial binding leads to diverse regulatory responses: Lmd is a tissue-specific modulator of Mef2 activity. PLoS Genet. Jul 1;6:e1001014
  • 66. Wilczynski B, Furlong EE. (2010) Dynamic CRM occupancy reflects a temporal map of developmental progression. Mol Syst Biol. 6, 383
  • 67. Honkela A, Girardot C, Gustafson EH, Liu YH, Furlong EE, Lawrence ND, Rattray M. (2010) Model-based method for transcription factor target identification with limited data. Proc Natl Acad Sci Apr 27;107(17):7793-8
  • 68. Ciglar L., Furlong EE. (2009). Conservation and divergence in developmental networks: a view from Drosophila myogenesis. Curr. Opin Cell Biol. Dec;21(6):754-60
  • 69. Zinzen RP*, Girardot C*, Gagneur J*, Braun M, Furlong EE. (2009). Combinatorial binding predicts spatio-temporal cis-regulatory activity. Nature. 2009 Nov 5;462(7269):65-70
  • 70. Wilczynski, B., Furlong EE. (2010). Challenges for modeling global gene regulatory networks during development: insights from Drosophila. Dev Biol. Apr 15;340(2):161-9.
  • 71. Liu YH, Jakobsen JS, Valentin G, Amarantos I, Gilmour DT, Furlong EE. (2009). A systematic analysis of Tinman function reveals Eya and JAK-STAT signaling as essential regulators of muscle development. Dev Cell: 16(2):280-91
  • 72. Zinzen RP, Furlong EE. (2008). Divergence in cis-regulatory networks: taking the ‘species’ out of cross-species analysis. Genome Biol. 9(11):240
  • 73. Oktaba K, Gutiérrez L, Gagneur J, Girardot C, Sengupta AK, Furlong EE, Müller J. (2008). Dynamic regulation by polycomb group protein complexes controls pattern formation and the cell cycle in Drosophila. Dev Cell. Dec;15(6):877-89
  • 74. Bonn S, Furlong EE. (2008). cis-Regulatory networks during development: a view of Drosophila. Curr Opin Genet Dev. Dec;18(6):513-20
  • 75. Furlong EE. (2008). A topographical map of spatiotemporal patterns of gene expression. Dev Cell. May;14(5):639-40
  • 76. Shah PK, Tripathi LP, Jensen LJ, Gahnim M, Mason C, Furlong EE, Rodrigues V, White KP, Bork P, Sowdhamini R. (2008). Enhanced function annotations for Drosophila serine proteases: A case study for systematic annotation of multi-member gene families. Gene. Jan 15; 407(1-2):199-215
  • 77. Haudry Y, Berube H, Letunic I, Weeber PD, Gagneur J, Girardot C, Kapushesky M, Arendt D, Bork P, Brazma A, Furlong EE, Wittbrodt J, Henrich T. (2008). 4DXpress: a database for cross-species expression pattern comparisons. Nucleic Acids Res. Jan;36 (Database issue): D847-53
  • 78. Jakobsen JS, Braun M, Astorga J, Gustafson EH, Sandmann T, Karzynski M, Carlsson P, Furlong EE. (2007). Temporal ChIP-on-chip reveals Biniou as a universal regulatory of the visceral muscle transcriptional network. Genes & Dev. Oct 1;21(19):2448-60
  • 79. Sandmann T, Girardot C, Brehme M, Tongprasit W, Stolc V, and Furlong EE. (2007). A core transcriptional network for early mesoderm development in Drosophila melanogaster. Genes & Dev. Feb 15, 2007;21(4);436-49
  • 80. Girardot C, Sklyar O, Grosz S, Huber W, Furlong EE. (2007). CoCo: A web application to display, store and curate ChIP-on-chip data integrated with diverse types of gene expression data. Bioinformatics. Jan 17
  • 81. Hooper SD, Boue S, Krause R, Jensen LJ, Mason CE, Ghanim M, White KP, Furlong EE*, Bork P*. (2007). Identification of tightly regulated groups of genes during Drosophila melanogaster embryogenesis. Mol Syst Biol. 2007;3:72
  • 82. Sandmann T, Jakobsen JS and Furlong EE. (2007). ChIP-on-chip protocol for genome-wide analysis of transcription factor binding in Drosophila melanogaster embryos. Nature Prot. Jan1(6): 2839–2855
  • 83. Spitz F and Furlong EE. (2006). Genomics and development: Taking developmental biology to new heights. Dev Cell. Oct;11(4):451-7
  • 84. Zimmermann G, Furlong EE, Suyama K, Scott MP. (2006). Mes2, a MADF-containing transcription factor essential for Drosophila development. Dev Dyn. Dec;235(12):3387-95
  • 85. Sandmann T, Jensen LJ, Jakobsen JS, Karzynski MM, Eichenlaub MP, Bork P, Furlong EE. (2006). A temporal map of transcription factor activity: mef2 directly regulates target genes at all stages of muscle development. Dev Cell. Jun;10(6):797-807
  • 86. Brandt A, Papagiannouli F, Wagner N, Wilsch-Brauninger M, Braun M, Furlong EE, Loserth S, Wenzl C, Pilot F, Vogt N, Lecuit T, Krohne G, Grosshans J. (2006). Developmental control of nuclear size and shape by Kugelkern and Kurzkern. Curr Biol. Mar 21;16(6):543-52
  • 87. Furlong EE. (2005). A functional genomics approach to identify new regulators of Wnt signaling. Dev Cell. May;8(5):624-6
  • 88. Qiu F, Brendel S, Cunha PM, Astola N, Song B, Furlong EE, Leonard KR, Bullard B. (2005). Myofilin, a protein in the thick filaments of insect muscle. J Cell Sci. Apr 1;118(Pt 7):1527-36
  • 89. Hollich V, Johnson E, Furlong EE, Beckmann B, Carlson J, Celniker SE, Hoheisel JD. (2004). Creation of a minimal tiling path of genomic clones for Drosophila: Biotechniques. Aug;37(2):282-4
  • 90. Furlong, EE. (2004). Integrating transcriptional and signalling networks during muscle development. Curr Opin Genet Dev. Aug; 14(4): 343-50
  • 91. Furlong, EE. (2004). Obtaining a Global View of Drosophila Muscle Development. Book chapter. In “Muscle Development in Drosophila” by Landes Bioscience Publishing
  • 92. Artero R*, Furlong EE*, Beckett K, Scott MP, Baylies M. (2003). Notch and Ras signaling pathway effector genes expressed in fusion competent and founder cells during Drosophila myogenesis. Development. Dec;130(25): 6257-7
  • 93. Arbeitman MN*, Furlong EE*, Imam F*, Johnson E*, Null BH*, Baker BS, Krasnow MA, Scott MP, Davis RW and White KP. (2002). Gene expression during the life cycle of Drosophila melanogaster. Science. Sep 27; 297(5590): 2270-5
  • 94. Furlong EE, Andersen EC, Null B, White KP and Scott MP. (2001). Patterns of gene expression during Drosophila mesoderm development. Science. article Aug 31; 293(5535): 1629-33
  • 95. Furlong EE, Profitt D and Scott MP. (2001). Automated Sorting of Live Transgenic Embryos. Nature Biotechnol. article Feb; 19(2): 153-6
  • 96. Furlong, EE, Keon, NK, Thornton, FD, Rein, T and Martin, F. (1996). Expression of a 74-kDa Nuclear Factor 1 (NF-1) protein is induced in mouse mammary gland involution. J. Biol. Chem., 271: 29688-29697
  • 97. Furlong, EE, Rein, T and Martin, F. (1996). YY1 and NF1 both activate the human p53 promoter by alternatively binding to a composite element, and YY1 and E1A cooperate to amplify p53 promoter activity. Mol. Cellular Biol., 16: 5933-5945


  • Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz-Preis 2022
  • ERC Advanced Grant 2019 (DeCryPt)
  • ERC Advanced Grant 2013 (CisRegVar)

Mitgliedschaften/ Gremienerfahrungen

  • EMBO Council
  • EMBO
  • Academia Europaea
  • Royal Society (FRS), UK



2009-Heute Leiterin der Genomik-Abteilung, EMBL
Eine interdisziplinäre Abteilung mit ca. 150 Wissenschaftler*innen, die Spitzenforschung zu verschiedenen Themen betreiben, die den Genotyp mit dem Phänotyp verbinden.
2009-Heute Senior Scientist, EMBL
2002-2009 Gruppenleiterin, EMBL
Forschungsschwerpunkt: Verständnis der inhärenten Eigenschaften von Entwicklungsnetzwerken, Kombination von genomischen, genetischen und computergestützten Ansätzen zur Aufdeckung grundlegender Prinzipien der Genomregulation.

Wissenschaftliche Laufbahn:
1996-2002 Postdoktorandin, Department of Developmental Biology, Stanford University
In dieser Zeit entwickelte ich einen automatisiertes Sortiersystem, das homozygote mutierte Embryonen isolieren kann und zudem die ersten Drosophila-Mikroarrays (letztere in Zusammenarbeit mit fünf Kolleg*innen). Die Kombination dieser beiden Technologien ermöglichte es mir, die erste globale Analyse der Transkriptionsregulierung durchzuführen, die jeden Schritt der Mesoderm-Entwicklung steuert. Betreuer: Prof. Matthew P. Scott.

1992-1996 Promotion, Department of Pharmacology & Biotechnology, University College Dublin. Thesis: "Characterizing the transcriptional regulation of p53 during mammary gland involution". Betreuer: Prof. Finian Martin

1988-1992 Bachelorstudium, University College Dublin

Patent US6482652. Biological Particle Sorter. Furlong, EE, Profitt, D and Scott, MP


Nachricht an
Prof’in Dr’in Eileen Furlong


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